The Invasive Freshwater Clam
The invasive freshwater clam is currently only found in a section of the Waikato River which includes Lake Karapiro. It can harm everything we love about the water – disrupting our recreation, clogging water pipes, and outcompeting other species. The clam can only spread if people move it between lakes and rivers with their boats and gear (including togs and clothing). It’s up to us to prevent it moving to other lakes and rivers.
Corbicula fluminea and Corbicula australis (invasive Freshwater Clam) have been given the legal status of an Unwanted Organism under the Biosecurity Act.
This means that people must not knowingly move them or water that may contain them. To do so would be an offence under the Biosecurity Act. People can still use the Waikato River for recreation, including boating and fishing, or gathering of kai (food) if they follow the requirements of the controlled area notices, including clam-specific 'Check Clean Dry' procedures, before moving their equipment or craft.
Special Note
There is a specific notice regarding the use of wake boats in the Waikato River. All wake boats that have been in the controlled stretch of the river must not be used in any other waterways, including parts of the river outside the controlled area